The framework architecture is based on a messaging design pattern: framework components are able to interchange information and perform computations by sending, receiving and processing messages. 框架架构基于一个消息传送设计模式:框架组件能够交互信息并通过发送、接收和处理消息执行计算。
Character identification is an important part of Pattern Recognition, and it has main useful value and theory significance in information processing, office automation, post system, bank system. 字符识别非模式识别的一个从要方里,反在信做处放,办儿自动化,邮政体解,银行体解等方里无灭从要的当用价值和实际意义。
Problem-inquiry teaching pattern should comply with the rules of information processing and the rules of cognition. Only on condition of being in accordance with the rules of cognition of the students can problem-inquiry teaching pattern become the active scientific activity of the students. 探究式教学应遵循信息加工规律和认知规律,只有符合学生的认知规律,探究活动才是学生真正自主的科学活动。
Gloves pattern information processing software consists of pattern edit, digital file format transfer, read/ write of EPROM and storage of pattern. 手套花型信息处理软件由花型编辑、数据文件格式转换、EPROM的读写操作和花型的存取所组成。
The characteristics and efficiency of modern medical information are expounded from the field and function of medical information dissemination and pattern of modern medical information data processing according to the theory and viewpoint of dissemination in combination with clinical practice. 利用传播学的理论和观点,结合临床医疗活动,从医学信息传播学的范畴和作用,以及现代医学信息数据处理模式等角度阐述了新世纪现代医学信息学特征和功效。
In the third part, based on the theory of cognition psychology, the structural model of information processing of problem-inquiry teaching pattern is set up, and our understanding on the rules on information processing of problem-inquiry teaching pattern is also presented. 第三部分以认知心理学为理论基础建立探究式教学信息加工的结构模型,并提出一些我们对探究式教学的信息加工规律的见解。
In order to eliminate the manual pattern lay-out procedure in the conventional card-punching process and produce pattern cards automatically, the problems noticed in the procedure should be taken into account during information processing directly by the pattern scanning computer. 为改变传统工艺,革除人工意匠,自动轧出纹板,要求在直接用纹样扫描计算机处理信息时,就须将意匠工序中应注意的问题考虑进去。
In this paper, the applicability of biomimetic pattern recognition to information processing of abstract objects is studied, and then a DOA estimation method based on biomimetic pattern recognition is advanced. 该文就仿生模式识别(拓扑模式识别)在非感性抽象对象的信息处理方面的应用作了一些探索,提出了一种基于仿生模式识别的DOA估计方法。
Chinese character recognition is an important research direction in the field of pattern recognition. It is of great value both in theory and practice and has applied in many circumstances, including official automation, high speed information processing, machine vision, etc. 汉字识别是模式识别中一个重要的研究方向,它在办公自动化、高速信息处理、机器视觉等多方面具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
Data mining involves multidisciplinary technologies, and is the combination of them, including data base technique, neural networks, pattern recognition, information index, imagines and signals processing and space data analysis etc. 数据挖掘涉及多学科技术的集成,包括数据库技术、神经网络、模式识别、信息检索、图像与信号处理和空间数据分析等。
The intelligent cell was the basic unit of the knowledge node, and it was the pattern description and information processing of a specific semi-finished product task during the production process. 智能元是组成知识点的基本单位,是对产品生产中某一中间产品任务的模式描述与信息加工处理。
Study on Problem-inquiry Teaching Pattern on Physics in Middle School and Educational Information Processing 中学物理探究式教学中的教育信息加工理论初探
Bayesian network is a new pattern classification graph model based on Bayesian statistics, it is an intelligent tool that can integrate prior knowledge and sample information in classification and causality discrimination for data processing. 贝叶斯网络是在贝叶斯统计基础上发展起来的新的模式分类方法,它提供了一种可以同时利用先验知识和样本信息进行分类和判别因果关系的遥感数据处理工具。
Wireless sensor networks, which integrate technologies of micro-electro-mechanism, sensing, embedded computing, distributed information processing and wireless communication, lead to a new pattern of information gathering and processing. 无线传感器网络集中了微机电技术、感知技术、嵌入式计算技术、分布式信息处理技术和无线通信技术,孕育出一种全新的信息获取和处理模式。
Brain Pattern of Information Processing during Chinese Cognition 汉语认知的脑内信息加工模式
In many fields it has broad potential applications, such as forecast, pattern recognition, automatic control, other areas intelligence simulation and information processing. 该技术在很多领域都具有广阔的应用潜力,如预测预报、模式识别、自动控制等领域的智能模拟和信息处理。
A development of glove pattern information processing software 提花手套花型信息处理软件的研制
Main problems in the research of pattern recognition, for example, feature selection, structure recognition, limited samples and ill-posed problems in statistical recognition are discussed from point of view of intelligent information processing. 从智能信息处理的角度讨论了模式识别研究中存在的一些主要问题,如:特征抽取问题、结构识别问题、统计识别中的有限样本(小样本)问题及不适定问题。
Advances in pattern information processing 模式信息处理的进展
A PDAS ( Pattern Discovery and Analyzing System) structure for finding user access patterns was designed according to characteristics of Web information. Based on association rule theory, the processing models and algorithms of single-user k-sequence frequent access patterns were presented. 针对Web信息的结构特点设计了一个发现用户访问模式的PDAS系统,并以关联规则为理论基础提出了发现单一用户K序列频繁访问模式的过程模型及算法。
Application of Sequential Pattern Mining Algorithm in Alarm Information Processing of Power System 序列模式挖掘在电力系统警报信息处理中的应用
And in-depth study of neuronal populations in the information processing, coordinating role between neurons as well as group activities of the time pattern and spatial patterns in information processing and transmission of an important role. 并深入研究了神经元群体在信息处理过程中,神经元之间的协调作用以及群体活动的时间模式和空间模式对信息加工与传递的重要作用。
Secondly, the paper analyzes shipbuilding pattern status quo and problems of CDS firm according to the real information of CDS firm by data processing and interviewing. From the analysis, we can find the necessary of shipbuilding pattern optimization and the key problems which should be solved. 其次,通过资料查询及现场访谈方式获得CDS造船模式的真实资料,论文客观分析了CDS公司造船模式的现状及其存在的问题,提出其进行模式优化的必要性及需要解决的关键问题。
Based on the conductivity signals obtained by the new C4D sensor, flow pattern identification of gas-liquid two-phase flow are studied combining with the modern information processing technique. 利用C4D传感器获得的电导信号,结合现代信息处理技术,研究了气液两相流流型辨识问题。
Off-line Chinese character recognition is an important area in the research of pattern recognition; Chinese information processing is an important interface technology. 脱机汉字识别是模式识别的一个重要研究领域,是汉字信息处理的重要接口技术。
CAS is an operated cognitive assessment system which established on the foundation of the cognitive psychology and the nerve psychology research, and it is a conformity pattern of information processing with the inner link. 认知评估系统(CAS)是建立在认知心理学和神经心理学研究基础上的一种有内在联系的信息加工整合模式和可操作的认知评估系统。
The rough set theory is a new mathematical tool to deal with uncertainty and vagueness of decision system and it has been applied successfully in many fields, such as artificial intelligence, data mining, pattern recognition and information processing fields so on. 粗糙集理论是一种处理决策系统不确定性和模糊性的数学工具,它已经被成功应用于许多领域,例如人工智能、数据挖掘、模式识别等信息处理领域。
It is regarded as extremely vital significance for the artificial intelligence and the cognitive science, which provides a theoretical framework for the machine learning, data mining, knowledge acquisition, pattern recognition and approximate reasoning and other areas of information processing. 它对于人工智能以及认知科学具有非常重要的意义,为机器学习、数据挖掘、知识获取、模式识别以及近似推理等领域的信息处理提供了一种理论框架。
Recurrent neural networks with delays, which have been successfully applied in the field of pattern recognition, signal processing, associative memory, optimization problem and so on, are nonlinear information processing systems. 时滞递归神经网络作为一种非线性信息处理系统,已成功地应用于模式识别、信号处理、联想记忆、优化计算等领域。
Image registration is extensively applied in computer vision, pattern recognition, medical image processing and remote sensing information processing. 图像配准在计算机视觉、模式识别、医学图像处理和遥感信息处理等方面有着广泛应用。